Regarding The Provision Park Space And Improvements Within The Riemore Estate At Tamborine.
It is important to note that the parklands at Riemore are owned by Council and not Riemore, therefore any works will require Council approval.
People may erroneously assume that Riemore own the parklands as Riemore have maintained the parks, at no cost to Council, for some twenty (20) years for the enjoyment of the residents.
For the proposal to be of maximum benefit to the community, including Riemore residents, it needs to be community driven and as such community feedback, in conjunction with Council is essential to determine the optimum outcome.
Initially it was proposed by Riemore that there were to be two active park areas as provided in submissions to council:
1. Ballantrae park (north of Munstervale Road)
2. Old Coach Road park (south of Munstervale Road)
It was proposed in these areas that provisions for park furniture and equipment, together with walking trails to meander throughout the open space areas.
In recent discussions with council and due to the recent flooding, it has been commented on by council, to prioritise the Ballantrae park area, in respect of furniture and typical equipment and Old Coach park as a leisure (picnic) area.
1. Ballantrae Park Area
The suggestion being:
- Complete/ asphalt carpark
- Complete gazebo area ie roof and provide electric bbq
- Complete shade sail over existing concrete slab
- Provide and install playground furniture, following community feedback
- Bollards as required
2. Old Coach Road Park Area
The suggestion being:
- Provide carpark area say 4-6 cars
- Possible picnic area
- Seating overlooking soccer field
- Walking path eg CTB path incorporating seating
- Bollards as required
We would like to invite responses from Riemore residents in the form of a questionnaire to offer input, suggestions or comments.
Once collation of the feedback is competed it is intended that a draft plan be prepared and issued to Council and residents for further comments.
Implications of installing park equipment may also invite people from outside the Estate, therefore Riemore believes that community involvement is desirable in an effort to ensure that the parks are maintained to a high standard
Due to possible impact on immediate surrounding residents it is anticipated that more weight will be given to the feedback of the residents residing adjacent to these two areas.
Depending on the responses decisions can be made on the items such as the age group of the facilities, overall facilities to accommodate the general feedback from the residents.